
Ex-leader of pro-Soviet organisation Yedinstvo to be expelled from Lithuania

He did not request a renewal of the appeal period after missing it either, which means the issue of expulsion will not reach court.

The Migration Department has said it took the decision to expel Ivanov from Lithuania after analysing publicly available information and after receiving additional data from the State Security Department (VSD), the Police Department and the State Border Guard Service (VSAT).

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Yedinstvo operated in Lithuania in 1988-1991.

In November 2023, the Migration Department revoked the residence permit of Russia’s citizen Ivanov deemed to pose a threat to national security. He was actively supporting of the Russian regime and spreading its propaganda related to the war in Ukraine, it said.

In 1997, Ivanov was sentenced to prison for defamation of the January 13 victims. He authored a book which said the victims were a Lithuanian forgery.

In 2018, Ivanov was back in the spotlight of law enforcement – he was detained for alleged intentions to spy for Russia, but later released.

Lithuanian News

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