
Norwegian airline opens base in Riga Airport

Opening a habitual base will strengthen the company’s presence in Latvia. Riga Airport will be the base airport for the airline’s 30 pilots and 60 flight crew employees, providing direct connections to six destinations.

“We have had a very good cooperation experience with Latvia and the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia. We are pleased to officially open our base with pilots and cabin crew. This weekend, we will launch flights to Tivat and Corfu, thus increasing our route network to and from Latvia to six routes. Our goal is to continue expanding in the region,” says Geir Carlsen, CEO of Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA.

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Norwegian airline will offer direct connections from Riga to Oslo, Trondheim, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Corfu and Tivat.

“Many thanks to the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for its input in negotiations with the airline Norwegian and to the airline Norwegian for the choice made for its new base. I am convinced this was the right choice because we – the Ministry of Economy and the Government – are now working hard to make Latvia the most attractive place for investment in the region. I am pleased that Norwegian has appreciated the growth potential of Latvia, which we see as doubling the size of the country’s economy over the next decade,” said Viktors Valainis, the Minister of Economy.

LIAA Representative Office in Norway started cooperating with Norwegian in 2020 when a business services center was established in Riga. The opening of the airline’s base in Riga is the next step in a process that will help develop cooperation between Latvia and Norway in business, tourism, and other sectors.

“Norway already is a TOP10 investor in Latvia and the country’s 12th largest export partner. With the opening of this base, we see new opportunities for developing economic cooperation. The example of Norwegian could potentially encourage other Norwegian companies to develop their business in Latvia,” says Iveta Strupkaja, Acting Director of LIAA.

Riga is the 12th base of the company and the 5th country to deploy the base of Norwegian. Last year, 205,000 passengers are estimated to have travelled between Norway and Latvia.

Lithuanian News

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