
President Nausėda begins his fifth State of Nation Address at Seimas

„For the past 15 months we have been living in an electoral mood. We have voted in municipal council and mayoral elections, presidential and European Parliament elections. Voters listened to the candidates, but, most importantly, judged their words against their actions. And they also had their say,“ the president spoke standing at the rostrum of the Parliament’s plenary hall.

The parliamentary elections remain the last ones ahead of us this year, and all the country’s key institutions will have new mandates, the president said.

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„The elected politicians will have to work. But in which direction? To answer that, we have to have an honest and precise look at where we stand today,“ Nausėda said.

The president’s annual Address is live streamed on the website of the Seimas, on the Seimas TV Channel Seimas – tiesiogiai, as well as on the YouTube channel and the Facebook account of the Seimas.

A simultaneous English translation of the Address is live streamed on the YouTube channel of the Seimas.

Lithuanian News

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