
Defence fund package is intermediate step – parlt speaker

„That need [to fund defence – ELTA] will grow. But now we have a good intermediate step taken,“ Čmilytė-Nielsen told Žinių radijas station on Wednesday.

MPs managed to pass the defence tax package in the spring session thanks to opposition groups, which took a „state-minded approach“ despite all the doubts, the Seimas speaker said. However, a further debate will be needed after the election due in the autumn.

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„This is obviously an ongoing process. We are in the middle of geopolitical tensions, we have been there for some time and, unfortunately, and, apparently, we will find ourselves there for some time more. The need to strengthen defence and to increase defence funding will certainly remain for some time – Russia’s actions, both in Ukraine and in posing hybrid threats in other countries, are clear and active, and the situation is not changing,“ she said.

On Thursday, the Seimas approved the defence fund package set to increase the national defence spending to 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) for the period 2025-2030. The package consists of four parts: the extension of the solidarity contribution, corporate income tax decisions, excise duty decisions, and the concept of the security contribution.

Lithuanian News

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