
MFA handed over a note of strong protest against attack on Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow

The Russian Federation police officers who were guarding the outside of the Embassy did not react to the attack. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania summoned the counsellor of the Russian Embassy, Andrey Gasiuk, in connection with the attack and handed him a note of strong protest.

In the note, MFA demands that the Russian Federation comply with all its international obligations, including Article 22 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which stipulates that the host country must take all necessary steps to protect the premises of the mission from any invasion or damage, and to prevent any disturbance to the peace or impairment of its dignity.

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Lithuanian MFA requests the Russian Federation to take all the necessary steps to ensure the protection and safety of the premises of the Embassy and its property, to investigate the act of vandalism, and to bring those responsible to justice.

Lithuanian MFA also requested for explanations, why the Russian Federation security officials did not react to the attack and how it will be ensured that similar attacks and negligent work will not be repeated in the future.

Lithuanian News

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