
Wage growth in IT sector is slowing down – study finds

Based on the results of the study, wage growth in the IT sector on average stands at 8.6% this year, compared with 12.8% last year.

The study has also identified other signs of cooldown in the market. Wage margins indicated in job postings are approaching average wages in the market, whereas several years ago new employees were offered pay that was 20-30% above the average.

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Wages increased the fastest in positions of junior project managers, junior programmers and data analysts, information security and human resource managers.

On 1 June 2024, the median gross base salary in IT was EUR 4,252 per month, while the annual salary including bonuses was EUR 52,318.

The study carried out in June 2024 analysed wage data of 18,000 information and communication technology employees.

Lithuanian News

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