
Gražulis says will run in European elections after losing MP seat

“No surprise. The Social Democrats took part, the Labour Party from the opposition, who said they would not join in, other opposition parties, and this is the result. It does not surprise me,” Gražulis told journalists.

The impeachment prevents Gražulis from running for the Seimas for ten years.

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“I will remain the chair of the Nation and Justice Union and will certainly run in the elections to the European Parliament,” he said, admitting that he is ‘humanly’ sad about the parliament’s decision.

“This is not the end of the world. I was not crucified on the cross like Christ, I was only deprived of my mandate,” Gražulis said.

The Seimas on Monday voted to impeach MP Petras Gražulis after the Constitutional Court ruled he violated the Constitution and breached his oath of office by voting for another MP.

Lithuanian News

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