
Election watchdog refuses to register presidential candidate

The VRK stated that he had not submitted documents proving that a bank account was set up in his name, which would be used for the political campaign. Instead, he provided a general payment services agreement with Paysera, which has an electronic money institution licence issued by the Bank of Lithuania but not a banking licence.

Kandrotas is the third person to be denied registration for the presidential election campaign. The bids of two others were rejected by the VRK as they too had not provided all of the required documents.

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Kandrotas presented his application to the VRK last week. He is a defendant in the criminal case over 2021 riots near parliament, an active participant of various protests and in the past was convicted of financial crime. At the end of November, he was found guilty of illegal possession of goods taxed by excise duties and accounting fraud, a custodial sentence of 4 years was imposed but the ruling has not entered into force yet.

The next presidential election will take place in May 2024.

Lithuanian News

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