
Vilnius was visited by 1.2mn tourists in 2023

In 2023, compared with 2022, the number of foreign citizens visiting Vilnius rose by 20% and accounted for 69% of all tourists, the remaining share accounted for local residents. Compared with 2022, the number of all tourists increased by 12% to nearly 1.2 million visitors.

The majority of tourists came from Poland, Germany, Latvia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Belarus.

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Last year, the number of tourists from Poland in Vilnius rose by 58%, Germany by 33%, the United Kingdom by 10%, Latvia by 6% and the United States by 26%.

The hotel occupancy rate increased as well. In 2023, it stood at 68%, compared with 61% in 2022.

The majority of visitors come to the capital of Lithuania in May-August. They stay for around two days on average.

It is estimated that a foreign tourist spends on average EUR 94 per day. In 2023, local and international tourism generated EUR 224 million revenue for Vilnius city, shared between accommodation, catering, transport, tour, entertainment and other service providers.

Lithuanian News

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