
Court orders Stepukonis to wear GPS tracking device

Following the court’s ruling, Stepukonis will be released from a detention facility after spending almost one and a half months there.

On Friday, the suspect was brought to the headquarters of the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT) in Vilnius.

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The court granted the prosecutor’s request to fit the GPS device onto Stepukonis’ leg and keep it there until 20 June.

According to the information available to Elta, Stepukonis is being questioned on a constant basis. He is cooperating with law enforcement and has not appealed against his arrest or its extension. His lawyer argues that the remand in custody was unjustified.

Stepukonis was arrested on 10 February. Two days later the court remanded him in custody for 14 days, then extended his detention for another month, until 24 March. He did not challenge any of the detention sanctions and did not appeal to a higher court.

Lithuanian News

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