
Ten Lithuanian companies earned over EUR 100mn pre-tax profit in 2022

The website has published the list of 30 companies that earned the highest pre-tax profits.

Ten companies surpassed the EUR 100 million mark: Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics (EUR 626.5 million), Hoptrans holding (274.4 million), SEB bank (EUR 213.9 million), Enefit (200.8 million), Ignitis gamyba (EUR 183.7 million), Swedbank (EUR 165.8 million), the Lithuanian State Forest Enterprise (EUR 127.2 million), Vilniaus prekyba (EUR 113.7 million), Ignitis Group (EUR 105.7 million) and Tele2 (EUR 102.9 million).

Saytların yığılması Saytlarin yigilmasi

According to Verslo žinios, pre-tax profits of 18 other companies exceeded EUR 50 million in 2022.

Lithuanian News

Saytların yığılması Saytlarin yigilmasi

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