
Nausėda had meetings with Belarusian fertiliser companies before election

On Tuesday, the Seimas ad hoc commission set up for inquiry into intelligence activities during the 2019 presidential campaign registered its findings at the Parliament, making the report available to the public.

The findings suggest that Nausėda’s circle included several dozens of individuals deemed as posing a risk to national security. They have been linked with Russian and Belarusian intelligence agencies, diplomats, politicians and entrepreneurs.

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“In 2018-2019, Gitanas Nausėda himself had meetings with persons engaged in Belarusian fertiliser business and leaders (shareholders) and representatives of companies,” the report says, adding that later the individuals were invited to events hosted by the Presidential Palace.

Staff members of the Office of the President were found to have attended such meetings as well, the ad hoc commission said, noting that they withheld this information when speaking to the MPs. The commission intends to turn to the Prosecutor General’s Office over the matter.

“The commission has received evidence that some persons involved in the Belarusian fertiliser business have attempted to become, and have become, heads of state bodies important for national security and advisers to the president,” the report said.

The commission found that Nausėda’s advisers were trying to influence officials and diplomats at the Foreign Ministry to agree Lithuania‘s official position that would seek exemption for Belarusian fertiliser businesses from EU sanctions back in June 2021.

Lithuanian News

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