
Nausėda welcomes discussions on construction of small nuclear reactors in Lithuania

“Nuclear power plants have one major advantage, they create constant [electricity] supply and could be the nucleus around which we shape other energy sources, so I am in principle in favour of such a discussion. One should not fear the discussion itself,” Nausėda told reporters Thursday.

According to the president, emerging safe nuclear energy technologies may become a good alternative when developing the green energy system in Lithuania.

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Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys announced plans to build new fourth generation small nuclear reactors when he presented the National Energy Independence Strategy on Wednesday.

The updated National Energy Independence Strategy (NENS) foresees that due to a great potential of renewable energy resources by 2050 Lithuania may become one of the first EU Member States that generates excess electricity.

Minister of Energy Kreivys says the excess would satisfy some of Europe’s electricity demand after energy resource imports from Russia stopped. The strategy also foresees Lithuania’s leadership in the green hydrogen industry and construction of new generation nuclear reactors.

Lithuanian News

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