
Šimonytė, Sweden’s Kristersson discuss regional security

“When we last met, Lithuania and Sweden were close partners and like-minded countries for many years, and today we are also linked by NATO membership. We are allies who can and will do more for our common security, which is the starting point of prosperity. It is very important that we, all the countries backing Ukraine and its struggle for freedom, strengthen and expand our support – there is no better way to stop Russia, which continues to wage war and to aggress against the West,” said Prime Minister Šimonytė.

The meeting centred on cooperation between Lithuania and Sweden in NATO, the North-Baltic Eight format and on a bilateral basis. Šimonytė pointed out that Lithuania particularly appreciates all of these relations and their development on all levels.

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Russia’s actions clearly show that it remains a long-term threat, Lithuania’s prime minister stressed, which is why the NATO Allies’ focus on strengthening collective defence and increased investment in defence must be an immediate priority.

Lithuania and Sweden enjoy an active and dynamic economic relationship, but there is still significant untapped potential in innovative high-tech sectors. Improving the conditions for cooperation and business partnerships in these areas is one of the governments’ objectives.

Lithuanian News

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