
Farmers & Greens could fund Vėgėlė’s presidential campaign, leader suggests

“After all, we are no longer involved in the election campaign. We drew up all the funding plans, and we can certainly afford to contribute to the election campaign of the candidate we are now supporting. It is logical,” LVŽS leader Ramūnas Karbauskis told ELTA on Friday.

The donation may be some tens of thousands of euros, he said, adding that the LVŽS council would take the final decision if Vėgėlė welcomed the proposal.

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A party can financially support a candidate other than its own in an election, according to the Central Electoral Commission (VRK).

Last week, MP Aurelijus Veryga of the LVŽS withdrew his presidential bid and became leader of the party’s list of candidates for European elections. The party announced its support for independent candidate Vėgėlė in the presidential election due 12 May.

After Veryga’s withdrawal, the remaining funds raised in the political campaigner’s account opened specifically for the election campaign should be returned to the political party’s account.

Lithuanian News

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