
Defmin presents concept of military commandant’s office

The minister announced at a press conference that people would be able to register with military commandant’s offices from 1 May through 31 August. There would be 27 such units in Lithuania. This would help create a military reserve of citizens willing to take up arms if need be or otherwise contribute to territorial defence units where they live. Military training of members of commandant’s offices would commence on 1 October.

The minister estimates that the measure may require EUR 200 million funding, provided that 10,000-15,000 citizens join these units and if EUR 12,000 funding per person is needed.

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According to Kasčiūnas, military commandant’s offices would play an important role in fighting saboteur groups, guarding facilities, carrying out evacuation etc.

Parliament is currently considering amendments to martial law regulating the activities of military commandant’s offices. The Ministry of National Defence proposes establishing them at a time of peace.

Kasčiūnas had promised to solve the issue of commandant’s offices within a month since his appointment in March.

Military commandant’s offices would be activated in case martial law were declared. They would assist the commandant, provide advice, administer human resources and ensure that objectives set to the military commandant are accomplished.

Municipal administrations would provide premises and other necessities to commandant’s offices, while communications and information systems, weapons and special measures would be provided by the Armed Forces.

Lithuanian News

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