
ESO suggests refunding households for overpaid bills until 2027

ESO proposes to return a sum of EUR 51 million to household consumers in two and a half years and the rest of the sum to non-household consumers in seven and a half years.

The National Energy Regulatory Council (VERT) on Friday presented the schedule of refunding overpayments. According to the proposal agreed between VERT and ESO, the overpaid energy bills would be refunded to residents by 2027 and to businesses by 2032, starting from July next year.

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“We have come up with an alternative that the remaining amount would be reimbursed within 7.5 years at the latest, with differentiation. For household consumers, around EUR 50 million would be repaid in 2.5 years, for non-household consumers in no more than 7.5 years,” Pocius told a press conference on Friday.

The source of funding would be the profit of ESO, he added.

The market regulator is now looking for comments and suggestions from interested parties as to the terms proposed. VERT will announce a public discussion on the published timetable next week.

The distribution tariff for household consumers is provisionally estimated to decrease by around 0.2 ct/kWh in the long term and by 0.6 ct/kWh excluding VAT in the second half of next year.

Pocius said the overpayment was allegedly due to different interpretations by ESO and VERT of the methodology used to establish electricity services in 2016-2021.

Lithuanian News

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