
Security commission asks authorities for proposals to reduce Belarusian border travels

“The National Security Commission today has heard the data report on the security situation at the Lithuanian-Belarusian border,” the National Crisis Management Centre (NKVC) said after the commission’s sitting at the Government on Friday.

The NKVC has also said the commission discusses the data of indicator systems in its sittings on a regular basis.

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“In response to the information provided by security services, it has been agreed that the authorities will shortly come forward with proposals for measures to reduce the flow of traffic and passengers across the border with Belarus,” the NKVC said.

The National Security Commission is scheduled to discuss the list of measures and assess their impact in a meeting in January.

Lithuania assesses security at the border with Belarus on the basis of the indicator system approved by the NKVC and the National Security Commission in September this year. It covers a wide range of threats and risks, such as military threats, activities of Belarusian intelligence and special services and information attacks against Lithuania.

The commission takes into account the indicator data and puts forward proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers to implement Lithuania’s response measures.

Lithuanian News

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