
Lithuania receives WHO validation certificate for trans fat elimination

In November, the WHO issued its validation certificate for trans fat elimination to Lithuania for its best-practice policies already in effect, the State Food and Veterinary Service (VMVT) said on Wednesday.

“The biggest challenge for businesses has been adapting to the new restrictions, not only in terms of formulas but also in terms of technological processes, which have required significant financial resources. Food control covers all links, i.e. trans-fat testing is carried out not only for products made produced by Lithuanian producers but also for those imported from third countries,” says the VMVT deputy head, Jurgita Bakasėnienė.

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Most non-compliances are found in food products imported from foreign countries, according to the official. This is mainly due to inadequate controls and the fact that not all the countries restrict the level of trans fats in food.

Studies have revealed that trans fats are a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Lithuania has already had restrictions on trans fats in food on the market since 2019. The European Union started restricting trans fats in food in 2021.

Lithuanian News

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