
SocDem party remains voters’ first choice, TS-LKD follows – poll

The poll carried out on 17-29 November shows that the LSDP enjoyed 13.8% support (down from 15.5% in October).

The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), the biggest ruling party, follows with 9.7% of the votes (down from 10.5% in October).

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The top two leaders remain unchanged in the ranking, while the Liberal Movement left the top three for fourth place, with 6.6% of the votes (down from 7.4% in October).

The opposition Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) ranked third in November. Among those polled, 8% said they would vote for the party (up from 6.5% in October).

Democrats For Lithuania saw the worst rating since its establishment in January 2022 – it was fifth in November with the 4% ratings (down from 5.5% support in October).

According to the survey, 3.3% of respondents indicated that they would cast ballots for the Freedom Party, the third coalition party. In October, it had 3.5% support.

The non-parliamentary Lithuanian Regions Party follows with 2.6% of the votes (up from 2.1% in October), Freedom and Justice with 2.5% of support (up from 2.2% in October) and the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania-Christian Families Alliance (LLRA-KŠS) with 2% of support (down from 3.4% in October).

Other political parties, including the opposition Labour Party, secured less than 2% of the votes.
Among those polled, 15.9% of the respondents said they would not vote at all (up from 13.6% in October), while 21% were either undecided or did not answer the question (22% in October).

“Taking into account the margin of error, it can be concluded that two parties – the LSDP and the TS-LKD – can rest assured of entering the Seimas, and LVŽS has almost reached the same level of popularity,” delfi.lt writes.

Spinter tyrimai interviewed 1,015 residents from 18 to 75 years of age, half by phone and half online. The margin of error is 3.1%.

Lithuanian News

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