
Nausėda hopes EU will agree on EUR 50bn aid for Ukraine in January

“The decision still needs a little time so that we can take it at an extraordinary meeting in January, very soon,” Nausėda told reporters in Brussels on Friday.

The president said he hopes that Hungary will be convinced and the agreement will be reached.

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“Today we are proposing a consensus of 26 countries, tomorrow it could be 27 countries, and in a few weeks things should happen that might change Hungary’s mind. There is no need to force that. The most important thing is that Ukraine gets the money on time,” Nausėda stated.

The German press agency dpa on early Friday cited several diplomats saying that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had prevented EU leaders at a summit in Brussels from reaching an agreement on a new aid package for Ukraine.

Efforts to reach a consensus were hampered by the fact that further financial assistance to Kyiv was included in the proposal to amend the EU’s running long-term budget.

Lithuanian News

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