
Bank of Lithuania upgrades economic growth forecast for 2023

Due to sluggish demand of Lithuanian goods and services in export markets, the central bank also revised GDP growth projections to 1.8% for 2024, compared with the earlier forecast of 2.1% GDP growth made in September.

According to the Bank of Lithuania, people’s income has increased faster than prices. Wages have increased by 12.2% in 2023 and are expected to increase by 10% in 2024. Private consumption has contracted by 1.7% this year, but is forecast to grow by 2.4% in 2024.

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Unemployment rate has not changed in Lithuania and stands at 6.7% in 2023, and is estimated to reach 6.5% in 2024.

The central bank estimates that investments increased by 8.6% in 2023 and will grow by 4% in 2024.

Lithuanian News

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