
Parliament’s Democrats For Lithuania seek support for snap election motion

The group’s draft resolution proposes to hold early parliamentary elections together with elections to the European Parliament due 9 June next year, some four months earlier than the regular parliamentary elections are held.

“A resolution has been drafted after that stormy meeting on Thursday, and we will be talking to the other opposition groups (&) to see if this idea is worth considering and if the other groups would back it with their signatures. If so, then further steps will be taken,” MP Saulius Skvernelis, chair of the Democrats For Lithuania group, told ELTA.

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The politician said the resolution had already been signed by some members from his group and some of the non-attached MPs. He plans to discuss the initiative with the groups of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) and Farmers and Greens (LVŽS) during the Seimas’ last sitting of the autumn session on Saturday.

Skvernelis added that an extraordinary session of the Seimas could be convened if the snap election motion drew support from the other opposition groups.

Lithuanian News

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