
Ministry launches EUR 10mn call for industry to implement renewable energies

“With the first call, we have already distributed EUR 10 million to 7 energy-intensive companies in the country. We are continuing to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and with the second call we are enabling companies to modernise their operations. Our goal is to create a greener and more resilient country, so these investments will create even more opportunities for Lithuanian industry,” said Aušrinė Armonaitė, Minister of the Economy and Innovation.

The EUR 10 million call is open to industrial companies participating in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. The maximum amount of funding per project is EUR 2.5 million.

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“This investment will enable some of Lithuania’s most energy-intensive industries to install solar power plants that will increase energy efficiency, reduce pollution and save money. This will enable not only the companies but also Lithuania as a whole to move faster towards a climate-neutral economy,” said Ieva Valeškaitė, Deputy Minister of the Economy and Innovation.

The Environmental Project Management Agency (EPMA) is accepting applications for funding for the deployment of renewable energy sources until 19 April 2024.

Lithuanian News

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