
Consumer confidence indicator up by 2 pct points in December

Compared to November, the population provided a slightly better assessment of the changes in the household’s financial situation in the upcoming 12 months. However, the population evaluated slightly worse the changes in the household’s financial situation over the last 12 months.

Moreover, against November, the population’s expectations for the changes in the country’s economic situation in the coming 12 months were much more optimistic.

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In December, against November, the proportion of the population expecting improvement in the country’s economic situation increased by 6 percentage points, and deterioration – decreased by 4 percentage points.

Compared to November, the population’s expectations for the changes in the household’s financial situation did not change much: 26% of the population expected improvement in the coming 12 months, 12% – deterioration (in November, 23 and 12% respectively). In December, 46% of the population stated that the household’s financial situation was easy or moderately easy to predict, 49% – moderately difficult or difficult to predict.

As regards assessment of changes in the household’s financial situation over the last 12 months, in December, 20% of the population indicated improvement, 26% – deterioration (in November, 20 and 27% respectively).

In December, 28% of the population intended to spend more on such purchases as furniture or household appliances in the coming 12 months, compared to the last 12 months, 18% – less (in November, 27 and 20% respectively).

Lithuanian News

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