
Residents of Baltics spend EUR 102mn on Christmas presents

The cost of a shopping basket was EUR 63, which is slightly higher than the average of EUR 61 recorded for the same period in 2022, according to Paysera. When shoppers opted for leasing or Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), the value of the shopping basket increased significantly, with the average purchase amount on credit reaching EUR 460.

“Looking at the shopping data, we can see that the third week of December saw the highest online spending – EUR 24 million, if we exclude the Black Friday weekend. A [previous] record for December 2023 was beaten in the same week, on 11 December, when the total amount of purchases exceeded the average daily amount for December by 52%,” says Marijus Plančiūnas, CEO of Paysera.

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From Black Friday, which was on 29 December, to Christmas Day, purchases were completed for a total of over 1.6 million shopping baskets at the company’s serviced online outlets. This is a 19% growth in the shopping volumes from the previous 30-day period, Paysera said.

Lithuanian News

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