
2024 military conscription list drawn up

Deputy Minister of National Defence Žilvinas Tomkus says it may be the last time when conscripts are drafted at random to carry out 9-month military service. He hopes that the Seimas will pass legislation introducing universal conscription.

More than 27,200 youths have been included in the conscription list, 3,845 of them will be drafted for the 9-month military service this year. It is planned that 210 more students from university and college could be trained as junior officers.

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It is estimated that there are a total of 79,500 potential conscripts aged 18-23. Students are not drafted but are included in the conscription list one time after graduation.

It is planned that the first conscripts will begin military service in early February at the Air Defence Battalion in Radviliškis.

Parliament will consider the proposal on universal conscription in its spring session, whereby all youths would have to serve in the military after finishing school.

Conscripts will be paid EUR 253 per month for expenses.

Lithuanian News

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