
Electricity price in Lithuania decreased in December

In December 2023, the average electricity price in Lithuania stood at EUR 89/MWh, down by 15% from EUR 105/MWh in November.

In Latvia and Estonia, electricity prices were identical as in Lithuania. In Germany, electricity price was EUR 69/MWh in France – EUR 80/MWh, in Belgium – EUR 69/MWh, in the Netherlands – EUR 73/MWh and in neighbouring Poland – EUR 80/MWh.

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The average electricity price in Lithuania in December 2023 was 2-3 times lower than in December 2021 and 2022, when it stood at EUR 212/MWh and EUR 264/MWh respectively.

Electricity consumption in Lithuania totalled 1,136 GWh in December 2023, up by 6% compared with November.

In December 2023, electricity generation in Lithuania stood at 602 GWh, up by 36% from 442 GWh in November. Local power plants generated 53% of the entire amount of electricity consumed in Lithuania.

Based on preliminary data, in December, wind farms accounted for 51% of all electricity generation in Lithuania, by 15% more or up from 215 to 307 GWh per month. Electricity generation by thermal power plants rose from 74 to 145 GWh in a month. Hydroelectric power plants generated around 80 GWh and other power plants around 60 GWh of electricity – similar as in November. Electricity generation by solar plants dropped from 16 GWh to 8 GWh in December.

In December, Lithuania imported 790 GWh of electricity, down by 2% from 809 GWh in November. In December, electricity imports from Scandinavia via the NordBalt power interconnection accounted for 58% of all electricity imports, from Latvia – 16% and from Poland – 26%.

Electricity exports from Lithuania last month rose by 36%, from 90 GWh in November to 121 GWh in December. 58% of it was exported to Latvia, 41% to Poland and 1% to Sweden.

Lithuanian News

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