
Prices for consumer goods and services up by 0.7% in February

Over the month, prices for consumer goods increased by 0.5%, those for consumer services – 1.1%.

Prices for consumer goods and services regulated by State and municipal authorities increased by 1.5%, market prices – 0.6%.

Saytların yığılması Saytlarin yigilmasi

In February 2024, against January, prices for transport goods and services increased by 2.7%. The change was determined by an increase in prices of diesel fuel (6.5%), petrol (4.6%), liquefied gas for cars (2%), maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment (1.8%).

Overall change in prices for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (prices increased by 1.5%) was determined by price growth recorded for tobacco products (2%), wine and wine products (1.8%), spirits (1.4%).

Prices of goods and services related to recreation and culture grew by 1.4%. The largest price growth was observed for toys, games and hobbies (6.2%), package holidays (5.4%), services of guides (2.4%), museums (2.3%), flowers (2.1%), while price drop was recorded for personal computers (1.8%).

Prices for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels increased by 0.7%. The largest increase in prices was recorded for liquid fuel (8.5%), electricity (6.2%), products and materials for maintenance and repair of the dwelling (1.1%), while decrease in prices – solid fuel (6.1%), heat energy (1.1%).

Food products and non-alcoholic beverages went down in price by 0.4%. The largest price drop was observed for buckwheat groats, baby food, ice-cream, frozen seafood, flour, while price growth – mineral and spring waters, olive oil, champignon mushrooms, tea, meat preserves. Price change was also recorded for some fresh fruit and vegetables: the largest price drop was recorded for head lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, blueberries, spinach, while price growth – for mangoes, carrots, garlic, sweet pepper, melons.

In February 2024, annual (February 2024, against February 2023) inflation stood at 0.7% and was the lowest since January 2021 (0.6%). The annual inflation was mainly influenced by an increase in prices of pharmaceuticals, catering services of restaurants, cafés and the like, cars, maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment, tobacco products, meat and meat products, as well as by a decrease in prices recorded for electricity, solid fuel, heat energy.

Lithuanian News

Saytların yığılması Saytlarin yigilmasi

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