
Attack on Volkov likely organised and carried out by Russia – intelligence agency

According to the VSD, the Kremlin regime regards the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) as the most dangerous opposition force in Russia that can influence internal processes in Russia. Therefore, the Kremlin is constantly collecting information about members of the organisation residing abroad and has organised attacks against them that endangered their health and lives.

“It is likely that the assault of FBK member Leonid Volkov in Vilnius on 12 March 2024 was an operation organised and carried out by Russia. Its goal being to stop the implementation of Russian opposition projects on the eve of undemocratic presidential election in Russia,” the VSD stated.

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According to the agency, perpetrators of Russian-organised psychological-information operations are often recruited on social media and may be enticed by ideological motives or monetary gain.

The VSD calls on residents to immediately inform intelligence and law enforcement agencies if they are approached online with offers to carry out acts of violence, vandalism or other criminal activities.

The VSD notes that since spring 2023 the Kremlin regime has organised psychological-information operations that also include “kinetic action”. The objective of such operations is to cause panic in the Baltic countries and stop activities of the opposition unfavourable for the Kremlin. Whereas Moscow’s potential targets vary greatly – from politicians and public activists, their property, historical monuments, state symbols, infrastructure facilities, cultural and education establishments.

The Criminal Police Bureau is carrying out a pre-trial investigation into the attack on Volkov and is sharing information with other competent authorities.

Meanwhile, Parliament Speaker Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen said commenting about the incident that Russian and Belarusian opposition representatives residing in Lithuania have to be even more cautious than before.

“This is a disgusting incident whose goal is clear – to sow fear. Our services, as we have heard, are expending every effort to identify the assailants and prevent other such incidents,” Čmilytė-Nielsen said in a comment to ELTA.

Lithuanian News

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