
Security situation will not improve after rigged election in Russia – Nausėda

“Of course, after these elections the security situation is not really improving, to put it mildly. Having implemented this rigged election project Vladimir Putin will undoubtedly continue trying to achieve his geopolitical goals. Our task is to prevent his plans, his strategies. We can do this only together, all of us together,” said Nausėda.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and it is feared that it may start an armed conflict with NATO in the future.

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Nausėda also emphasised that the Russian presidential election was neither free nor democratic.

The rigged election took place on 15-17 March. It was announced on Sunday that Putin secured another six-year term of office as the president of Russia. It was claimed that 87% of voters cast ballots for him.

Lithuanian News

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