
MPs vote to sack Seimas secretary general

In the secret vote, the proposal was backed by 95 MPs to 13 MPs.

The resolution on the dismissal of Gelbūda will take effect Friday, 22 March.

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Another official from the Office of the Seimas will fill in the vacant position ad interim until a new secretary general is selected, Seimas Speaker Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen told reporters on Thursday.

More than half of MPs signed a motion of no confidence in Gelbūda, including those from the ruling parties.

He had been criticised for inefficiency in organising procedures and discriminatory approach to setting wages for the staff of committee offices.

Gelbūda was appointed secretary general of the Seimas for a five-year term on 27 April 2021. He was nominated by Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Lithuanian News

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