
Public confidence in Nausėda slips by 4% in late February

The pollster Baltijos Tyrimai interviewed 1,021 Lithuanian residents (aged 18 and older) at 115 sampling points from 22 February to 5 March. The respondents were asked to name public figures they trusted the most.

Public activist and TV host Andrius Tapinas followed Nausėda with 7.3% of support, up from 5.4% in December.

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Social Democrat leader MEP Vilija Blinkevičiūtė ranks third. She is a most trusted public figure for 6.3% of the respondents (6.4% in December 2023).

Among those polled, 6.2% expressed confidence in MP Saulius Skvernelis, chairman of Democrats For Lithuania (down from 6.54 in December).

Dalia Grybauskaitė, Lithuania’s former two-time president, was ranked fifth, with 6% of support (down from 7.5% in December).

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė was sixth, with a rating of 5.6% in February (up from 3.6% in December last year). Among those polled, 4.2% expressed confidence in former president Valdas Adamkus (down from 4.9% in December).

The top ten list of most trusted public figures ends with presidential candidate, lawyer Ignas Vėgėlė (3.7% of support, up from 2% in December), outgoing National Defence Minister Arvydas Anušauskas (3.5% of support, down from 4.8%) and MP Remigijus Žemaitaitis (3.4% of support, up from 1.9%).

Three in ten (29%) respondents said there are no public figures they trust or did not answer the question at al.

The survey has a margin of error of up to 3.1%.

Lithuanian News

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