
NATO must send clear message that Russian missiles will be taken down – Landsbergis

“This is not the first time that this is happening. There have been a number of violations of airspace in Romania and this is not the first time that Polish airspace was violated. So you could tell that one time is a mistake but if we allow that to happen, it sounds like an invitation. So we have to change our position, we have to change our posture and send a very clear message that if it happens again, the missiles, the drones, they will be taken down,” Landsbergis told Fox News during his visit to the USA.

The head of Lithuania’s diplomacy stressed that Ukraine has lacked US and European support recently.

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“The situation in Ukraine is definitely not getting better. What Russians are doing with those rocket barrages over the last couple of days is they’re testing whether Ukraine still has enough ammunition to take them down,” he said.

The minister added that Russia is amassing many new troops and there are talks about an additional mobilisation of half a million new soldiers.

“So the situation is getting worse and we have to have an answer to that. If Ukraine falls, Putin will not stop, that’s for sure,” Landsbergis stated.

Lithuanian News

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