
Defence ties between Lithuania and Norway crucial to entire NATO – Nausėda

“I would like to emphasise in particular our cooperation in the field of security and defence, which, in view of the threats to our security, is becoming crucial for Lithuania and Norway, for the region and for the NATO alliance as a whole,” the president said at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday.

President Nausėda thanked Crown Prince Haakon for Norway’s significant input in the security of Lithuania and the Baltic region and participation in NATO’s Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group.

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The security of the Baltic region and the whole eastern flank of NATO translates into security of the entire NATO, he said.

The allied presence in the region and strengthening of air defence are equally important, according to Nausėda.

“The rotational air defence model agreed at the NATO summit in Vilnius must be put into practice. I hope that Norway will contribute to its practical implementation as well,” the president spoke.

Crown Prince Haakon highlighted the importance of cooperation on security issues, adding that Norwegian technologies are an integral part of Lithuania’s air defence, which shows Norway’s commitment to regional security.

The living bridge between Lithuania and Norway is also the bond between the people, he said, especially considering the fact that there are about 40-50 thousand Lithuanians living in Norway.

Lithuanian News

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