
Vaitkus contests election watchdog’s decision not to publish his political programme in court

Vaitkus filed the complaint to the court on 29 March and revised it on 2 April, a spokeswoman for the LVAT told ELTA.

The court is scheduled to hear Vaitkus’ complaint on Wednesday, according to Kamilė Arbačiauskaitė.

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Last week, the VRK decided not to include Vaitkus’ election programme in its publication introducing presidential candidates. Part of his programme was in conflict with the principles of societal cohesion, fair and respectable elections as set out in the electoral code, it said.

Rokas Stabingis, head of the election watchdog’s legal unit, explained that some of the statements opposed Lithuania’s international commitments, including NATO membership, and were allegedly aimed at spreading distrust towards Ukrainian citizens and calling the authorities traitors without legal basis.

Vaitkus revised his programme but did not eliminate the parts that drew the attention of the electoral commission, according to the VRK.

The VRK is currently checking applications of campaign participants and forms with voter signatures they provided before officially registering the candidates. This has to be done no later than by 11 April.

Lithuanians will be electing their next president on 12 May.

Lithuanian News

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