
Lithuania should upgrade all border surveillance systems by 2030, says audit office

The focus of the audit was also the installation of a physical barrier at the border with Belarus and the provision of the State Border Guard Service’s (VSAT) officers with the necessary equipment in accordance with the approved standards, the authority said in a press release.

“The entire EU external border in Lithuania is monitored using modern border surveillance technologies. When Lithuania faced an influx of irregular migrants, steps were taken to complete the installation of all surveillance systems as soon as possible and to build a physical barrier on the border with Belarus. We have assessed not only the installation of physical border security measures, but also the provision of equipment for SBGS officers. The quality of border security depends on the quality of the equipment and the readiness of the officers,” said Auditor General Mindaugas Macijauskas.

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The audit results show that from 2023, the entire EU external border in Lithuania will be monitored by modern border surveillance systems, but it is now necessary to plan for their renewal to avoid risks of inadequate border monitoring in the future. All 25 surveillance systems should be upgraded by 2030, while 19 surveillance systems have not yet been scheduled for upgrade.

The auditors found that the physical barrier at the border sections with the highest migration flows (Phase I of the project) was installed as a matter of extreme urgency 3 months earlier than at the remaining sections (Phase II of the project).

The State Border Guard Service is one of the institutions strengthening and safeguarding national security, and the audit also assessed whether the officers of the Service are provided with the means to act in times of emergency, mobilisation and martial law in accordance with the established standards. It also examined whether they have all the necessary equipment to carry out their functions and to ensure their security in their daily activities. Although this part of the audit is not made public, its results have been made available to decision-makers.

Lithuanian News

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