
Defmin greets first German brigade troops upon arrival to Lithuania

“Eighty-five percent of Lithuanians support the presence and deployment of German troops in Lithuania. We will do everything we have to do to make your troops feel at home here,” Kasčiūnas said in German as he opened a press conference at Vilnius Airport.

The stationing of the German brigade in Lithuania marks a new historical phase, the minister said.

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“We are at the beginning of a historical phase when the permanent deployment of the German brigade in Lithuania is gradually becoming a reality. I am convinced that this is an irreversible process. In terms of defence planning, we are taking a big step towards the implementation of forward defence,” Kasčiūnas went on, switching to his mother tongue.

“No enemy from the East would even think of testing NATO’s Article 5 now,” he added.

Kasčiūnas emphasised that the German brigade is a priority not only for the Government, but also for him personally.

In the event, German Ambassador to Lithuania Cornelius Zimmerman thanked for the warm welcome extended to 20 German servicemembers, the initial command element of the 45th Brigade Lithuania of the Bundeswehr.

“I am certain that we are strong together. Lithuania’s freedom is our freedom. And Lithuania’s security is our security,” the diplomat said in Lithuanian.

“It is very nice of you to welcome the German brigade. Your colleague, the minister, bade farewell to them in Germany. This is a strong sign of our friendship. I am happy to see how the Bundeswehr is welcomed in Lithuania,” he said.

Chief of Defence Gen Valdemaras Rupšys hailed the upcoming joint Lithuanian-German exercise Grand Quadriga 2024. More than 4,500 troops and around 200 combat vehicles are set to be redeployed to Lithuania for training.

Lithuanian News

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