
Electricity price down by 11% last week

On 1-7 April, compared with the previous week, average wholesale electricity price in the Lithuanian bidding area of the Nord Pool power market decreased by 11%, from EUR 56 to EUR 50/MWh. Average wholesale electricity prices in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were identical.

According to Litgrid, electricity consumption in Lithuania increased by 1% last week, from 218 GWh to 220 GWh.

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Electricity generated by local power plants satisfied 67% of Lithuania’s electricity demand.

Electricity generation in Lithuania decreased by 4% last week, from 154 GWh on 25-31 March to 148 GWh on 1-7 April.

Windfarms generated 51% of electricity in Lithuania, solar power plants – 15%, hydroelectric– 12%, thermal– 11% and other power plants – 10%.

On 1-7 April, Lithuania imported 40% of its electricity needs. Compared with the previous week, electricity import rose by 21% from 107 GWh to 129 GWh. 55% of the amount was imported from Scandinavia via the NordBalt power interconnection, 28% from Poland and 17% from Latvia.

Electricity export from Lithuania rose from 15.6 GWh to 31 GWh last week. 3% of the amount was exported to Sweden, 34% to Latvia and 64% to Poland via the LitPol Link power interconnection.

Lithuanian News

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