
Nausėda leads in public opinion poll as presidential election approaches

The poll was commissioned by the news website delfi.lt and carried out on 18-28 March 2024 by Spinter tyrimai, a market and public opinion research company.

In March, as many as 30.4% of respondents would have voted for Nausėda who is striving for a second term in office (28.5% in February). The poll suggests that the incumbent president is equally popular among all social and demographic groups.

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His closest rivals are lawyer Ignas Vėgėlė, who is running as an independent, and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, the Conservative party’s (TS-LKD) nominee.

In March, 11.9% of the polled said that they would vote for Vėgėlė (13.4% in February). He has more supporters among people with lower and average level of education, lower and average income, rural residents and residents of district centres.

Meanwhile, 10.1% of respondents would vote for Šimonytė (12.8% in February). Her voter base includes urban residents, people with a higher level of education and greater income.

In March, the Freedom Party’s nominee Dainius Žalimas ranked fourth in the poll with 5.8% support (4.3% in February), followed by MP Remigijus Žemaitaitis with 4.2% (4.7% in February), Farmers and Greens nominee Aurelijus Veryga with 3.1% (2.6% in February) and independent candidate Eduardas Vaitkus with 2.6% (1.7% in February).

In March, 7.6% of respondents named other candidates but each of them would secure less than 2% of votes. In February, 7.5% named other candidates.

Whereas 16.2% of voters are still undecided whom they would vote for and 8.1% of respondents said they would not vote at all. These figures stood at 15.1% and 8.1% respectively in February.

A total of 1,009 people aged 18-75 years were interviewed. The margin of error is 3.1%.

Lithuanian News

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