
80% of Lithuanians would welcome a ban on gambling ads

The poll commissioned by public broadcaster LRT was carried out by the public opinion and market research company Baltijos tyrimai.

It showed that 80% of respondents aged 18 years and over are in favour of a complete ban on gambling ads in Lithuania and just 15% would oppose the move.

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It has transpired that approval of gambling ad ban was greater among women than men – 86% against 72% respectively.

The move has also wide support among residents aged over 50 (84%) and by people with greater than secondary education and with monthly household income of up to EUR 1,100 (85%).

Opponents of the ban often include men (21%), young people under 30 years of age (23%), rural residents (18%) and people with unfinished secondary education (30%).

1,115 adult residents of Lithuania were polled on 15-25 March.

In mid-March, parliament began to consider amendments to the law on gambling, which, if adopted, would prohibit gambling advertisements as of 1 January 2025.

Lithuanian News

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