
President Nausėda chairs Three Seas Initiative summit in Vilnius

In his address, the president stressed that the current geopolitical situation has given the Three Seas Initiative the impetus to grow as a platform for regional cooperation. Nausėda underlined the need to improve transport links, diversify energy sources, and build resilient infrastructure. It is also important to bridge the infrastructure gaps between the EU Member States and the associated countries Ukraine and Moldova, he added.

The president stressed the importance of continued support for Ukraine and the need to help it to defend itself against the aggressor by all means.

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“Today, the countries of the Three Seas Initiative reaffirm their support for Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Together, we stand ready to play an important role in the reconstruction of Ukraine and to help it to build back even stronger and more resilient,” Nausėda stated.

President Nausėda pointed out that during the International Transport Forum held ahead of the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Lithuania, new members were invited to join the Common Interest Group for Ukraine. It is expected that this will lead to more productive cooperation and engagement of partners in the field of transport.

According to the president, supporting Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and NATO continues to be a political priority. The Lithuanian leader stressed that the Three Seas Initiative could make a significant contribution to the practical aspects of the EU enlargement process, helping to prepare for smoother integration.

“For the Three Seas region to be viable and growing, we need to offer practical solutions. Thanks to the Three Seas Initiative, we are putting greater emphasis on the region’s cyber resilience, the protection of critical infrastructure, and military mobility. Our ability to deliver results also relies on our productive work with our transatlantic partners,” the Lithuanian leader said.

Lithuanian News

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