
Zelensky arrives in Vilnius to meet with Nausėda, attend 3SI Summit

The presidency stated that President Gitanas Nausėda would meet with Zelensky. The leaders of Lithuania and Ukraine will hold a bilateral meeting to discuss the situation at the front lines, Ukraine’s need of military and financial aid, the Eurointegration process and NATO membership prospects.

3SI unites 13 countries from the Baltic to Black and Adriatic Seas: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Ukraine and Moldova are associated countries of the 3SI. Strategic partners of the initiative include the United States, Germany and the European Commission. It is planned that at the 3SI Summit in Vilnius, Japan will join the initiative as a new strategic partner.

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The goal of the 3SI is to promote faster development and convergence of the region, boost connectivity of participating countries in transport, energy and digitalisation – especially from North to South – as well as to enhance EU cohesion and transatlantic ties between the EU and the United States.

On 11 April, the 3SI Summit in Vilnius will be attended by leaders of 13 Baltic, Black and Adriatic Sea countries that are members of the EU. Ukraine and Moldova, associated countries, were invited to the Summit as well.

Lithuanian News

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