
Electricity price in Lithuania down by 9% in March

According to independent electricity supplier Elektrum Lietuva, electricity prices were affected by 3% lower electricity consumption and greater electricity generation. Although windfarms in the Baltic countries generated by 5% less electricity, yet hydroelectric power plants generated by 69% more.

Meanwhile, the average electricity price on the Nord Pool power market rose by 11% to EUR 56.39/MWh in March.

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Electricity consumption in the Baltic States decreased by 3% in March, compared with February, and totalled 2,283 GWh.

Electricity consumption in Lithuania decreased by 1% to 1,015 GWh, in Latvia it decreased by 6% to 551 GWh, and in Estonia by 4% to 718 GWh.

Last month, the Baltic countries on aggregate generated 1,897 GWh of electricity, by 12% more than in February.

Lithuania generated by 8% more electricity or 613 GWh, Latvia by 21% more or 905 GWh, while Estonia by 1% more or 379 GWh.

In March, electricity generated in the Baltic States satisfied 83% of their electricity consumption demand. Electricity generation in Lithuania satisfied 60% of its electricity consumption needs, compared with 164% in Latvia and 53% in Estonia.

Lithuanian News

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