
Procurement agency’s report does not change our plans to build national stadium – Hanner

“We look at the comments of the VPT as suggestions and we are evaluating them. We have agreed with the VPT to meet next week to continue the dialogue at the round table, where we will look for an agreement that suits all the sides,” Arvydas Avulis, board chairman at Hanner, told ELTA on Friday.

The VPT said Thursday it is unclear why the risk of stadium price hikes is not shared between all parties. The agency also questioned the fact that the responsibility is fully transferred to Vilnius Municipality and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

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Avulis said the pending approval of both the VPT and the European Commission is delaying the start of works, which increases the risk that the project’s cost will rise.

Hanner took over the project from BaltCap equity fund in February this year, after the latter quit amid reports saying that over EUR 40 million had been misappropriated from the fund.

The Vilnius-based national stadium should open by the end of 2026, the mayor has said, after the city council gave the green light to amending the contract on building the multifunctional complex.

Lithuanian News

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