
Formin urges tougher sanctions now against Iran

“We have discussed the situation in the Middle East, condemning Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel. Any further escalation would have catastrophic consequences for both the Middle East region and Ukraine, which is defending itself against Russia’s aggression. However, it is clear that Iran, like Russia, feels emboldened by the West’s indecision,” Landsbergis told a press conference following his bilateral meeting with Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot on Monday.

“We must immediately strengthen sanctions against Iran for its regionally destabilising behaviour and support for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine,” the minister stated.

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The Dutch minister said NATO should invest more in air defence on its eastern flank.

“We have to do more on the eastern flank to stay safe and secure. We are taking the first steps but NATO as a whole has really to invest more in a bigger and stronger defence and deterrence of the eastern flank,” Bruins Slot told reporters.

The minister also said she was confident that the worrying situation in the Middle East should not distract the international community from what is happening in Ukraine.

“I am convinced that the fight Ukrainians fight against Russia is essential for the security and stability of Europe. If we do not support Ukraine so that they can win the war, in the end, we will lose it all,” Bruins Slot said.

Later in the day, Bruins Slot was set to visit Dutch soldiers serving in NATO’s enhanced forward presence battalion battle group based in Rukla.

Lithuanian News

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