
Intelligence ombudsman to assess collection of elections-related data this year

Intelligence Ombudsman Nortautas Statkus told the Seimas Committee on National Security and Defence (NSGK) of this plan on Wednesday as he presented his report on activities last year.

The Ombudsman’s Office is expected to assess the way decisions are taken to collect and verify information about candidates and their backgrounds, what data is collected and on what basis. It will also check whether such information is provided to other parties and to whom, if so.

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“This year, the first inspection is aimed at assessing the actions of the intelligence institutions related to the election of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, the Seimas and the European Parliament – the legality of these actions, their political neutrality, their compliance with the requirements of the protection of human rights and freedoms,” Statkus said in the meeting.

The Intelligence Ombudsman’s Office opened a total of 4 inspections in 2023. Two of them are related to the State Security Department (VSD) and whistleblower Tomas Gailius’ report.

“There are still aspects of the internal control of the VSD that need to be improved,” the intelligence ombudsman said.

The Intelligence Ombudsman’s Office was set up in December 2021. President Gitanas Nausėda vetoed the parliament’s law on the authority overseeing intelligence agencies, yet MPs overturned the veto.

Lithuanian News

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