
Lithuania and Andorra sign double taxation avoidance agreement

The agreement will provide legal certainty for eliminating double taxation on income and capital in Lithuania and Andorra. At the same time, closer cooperation between the tax administrations of both countries will be ensured, preventing tax avoidance and enabling effective resolution of disputes related to double taxation. Currently, there are 58 international double taxation avoidance agreements in force in Lithuania.

The foreign ministers also signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania and Andorra, according to which Andorra will contribute to the Lithuanian Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Fund to finance a reconstruction and recovery project in Ukraine – a school in Snihurivka, Mykolaiv Oblast. When thanking the Government of Andorra for its contribution, the Foreign Minister of Lithuania expressed expectations that implementing the first joint project would open up wider opportunities for Lithuania and Andorra to cooperate in reconstructing Ukraine.

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“The reconstruction of Ukraine, which is attacked every day and fighting for its existence, requires strong support from the international community. So, we must continue to join forces and show Ukraine that, in light of the war caused by Russia, we stand with Ukraine. I am glad that the Lithuanian Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Fund will bridge Lithuania, Andorra, and Ukraine,” Landsbergis said.

The foreign minister also thanked Andorra for its principled attitude and solidarity in condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and aligning with the EU’s positions in international organisations, EU restrictive measures introduced to starve Russia’s war machine, and joining the Council of Europe’s register of damage for Ukraine.

Lithuanian News

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