
Vilnius and Kaunas to impose curfew in industrial areas for military drill in May

“The curfew will be introduced in exceptionally sparsely populated, industrial areas at midnight and will be in force until 5.00 a.m.,” Vilnius City Municipality said Wednesday.

In addition, there will be troop movements and police raids in the Viršuliškės and Paneriai neighbourhoods. Soldiers and riflemen will also train to control the territory without police, stop vehicles intended only for the exercise, and protect some objects.

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The Lithuanian Armed Forces and NATO allies will train in the capital city and Kaunas on 6-8 May. The exercise will test the readiness of institutions and organisations to carry out mobilisation and tasks to welcome allies, requisition of assets and announcement of curfews.

On Tuesday, Chief of Defence General Valdemaras Rupšys announced that the intensive phase of NATO exercises will begin in Lithuania in the coming months. More than 20,000 national and allied troops will be training in the country, he said.

Lithuanian News

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