
PM goes on holiday to participate in presidential election campaign

The head of Government will be on holiday on 22-25 April, 29 April-2 May and 7-10 May. Minister of Finance Gintarė Skaistė will stand in as the acting prime minister for this duration.

Šimonytė’s campaign staff indicated that on her annual leave she would meet with voters. On Monday, the presidential candidate will travel to Panevėžys.

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“In this campaigning month I want to devote attention to those whose labour and lives make Lithuania stronger,” she says.

Earlier, Šimonytė was the first to submit to the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) the signatures of voters who backed her bid. More than 33,700 voters signed for Šimonytė, while 20,000 signatures were needed for a contender to be officially registered as a candidate in presidential elections.

Lithuania will hold the 2024 presidential election on 12 May.

Lithuanian News

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